News items added on Saturday, May 30, 2009

First Communion Photos

Saturday the 9th of May

Saturday the 16th of May
The first Holy Communion photos, taken by Derek Hope of Kent Photonews will be available in the Small Hall for viewing and orders as follows:
  • Monday group on Monday 1 June 5.15-6.15pm
  • Thursday group: Thursday 4 June 4-5pm
(Payment is required at the time of ordering.)


"Parenting and the Media" talk

This Friday 5 June, Joanna Bogle, a Catholic writer with extensive experience in the broadcast media, will be visiting the parish to give a talk on “Parenting and the Media.” We will begin in the Church with the rosary at 7.30pm.

Do come along for what promises to be an informative and helpful evening.

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Plenary indulgence for Pentecost

A plenary indulgence can be gained today by those who participate in the public singing of the Veni Creator Spiritus (or the English translation “Come Holy Ghost, creator come”). This hymn will be sung at the 6pm and 9am Masses in English and after the 10.30am Mass in Latin.

If you want further information about the conditions for gaining a plenary indulgence, my post "Plenary indulgences not impossible" may be helpful.

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Missa Cantata this Saturday

This Saturday, 6 June, our visiting schola will be here on Saturday for our solemn Missa Cantata in the Traditional Roman Rite The texts of the Mass will be sung in Gregorian chant according to the Roman Gradual.

Since the Mass will take longer than the usual Low Mass, it will be followed by a short service of Benediction and the Marian anthem. There will be a priest available from 11am to hear Confessions during Mass and Benediction.


Feast of Corpus Christi

The bishops have transferred the feast of Corpus Christi to Sunday 14 June.
However, there will also be a sung Latin Mass (older form) for the traditional feast of Corpus Christi on Thursday 11 June at 8pm for those who wish to come. (It is not a holyday of obligation.)

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Lesnes Abbey Procession

Each year, the Deaneries of Bexley and Greenwich hold a procession of the Blessed Sacrament in the grounds of the ancient Lesnes Abbey, finishing with Benediction at the site of High Altar of the old Abbey Church. The date for this year is Sunday 14 June.

A procession of the Blessed Sacrament is an act of adoration of Our Lord who has given himself to us in the Holy Eucharist. It is also an opportunity to witness to our faith.

Altar servers, those who have recently received their first Holy Communion, and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion are especially encouraged to come along.
The site is off Abbey Road, near Abbey Wood Station. We gather at the parish banner at 3pm.

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The Pontifical Council for Social Communications has just launched a new site called Pope2you, to coincide with the celebration of the 43rd World Communications Day.
Pope2you has links to the Vatican’s YouTube channel and to WikiCath. It also offers apps for Facebook and iPhone.

Here is a link to the Holy Father's message for World Communications Day: New Technologies, New Relationships. Promoting a Culture of Respect, Dialogue and Friendship.


News items added on Saturday, May 16, 2009

Feast of the Ascension

The bishops of England and Wales have transferred the feast of the Ascension to Sunday 24 May in the ordinary form of the Roman Rite.

However, there will also be a sung Mass in the usus antiquior for the traditional feast of the Ascension on Thursday 21 May at 8pm for those who wish to come. (It is not a holyday of obligation.)

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First Holy Communion - congratulations!

Congratulations to the children who have recently made their first Holy Communion in the parish. Congratulations also to all their families.
Many thanks to our team of catechists for all their hard work and dedication in preparing the children to receive the sacraments.

PHOTO CREDIT: Derek Hope at Kent Photonews


News items added on Saturday, May 09, 2009

Phone line working

The parish phone line is now working again.

News items added on Friday, May 08, 2009

Phone line down

If anyone is trying to ring the parish number at Our Lady of the Rosary, Blackfen, please be aware that the line is not working. I'm told that an engineer will contact me later today.

News items added on Friday, May 01, 2009

St Catherine's - excellent religious inspection

Following on the good news of their excellent OFSTED Inspection, St Catherine's School has passed on the news of another great Inspection Report.

The "Section 48" inspection looks at the Catholic life of the school, including the provision or Religious Eduction. The Inspectors reported the following:
  • St Catherine's School, as a Catholic learning community, is outstanding
  • It provides excellent care for its pupils within a safe environment where they feel valued
  • It is led by an outstanding Head Teacher and is well supported by Governors, Staff and Parents
  • The school is outstanding at promoting community cohesion
  • Standards in RE are outstanding
  • The quality of collective worship is outstanding with excellent provision for Masses and assemblies
Congratulations to Mrs Sloncki and to all the staff, governors and students.

Here is a link to the School Prospectus
