News items added on Sunday, May 29, 2011

Fr Tony Pyle RIP - thank you

Fr Tony with Pat Watkins in the summer of 2001

Many thanks to all those who helped at the celebration of the Funeral Mass for Fr Tony, especially the Union of Catholic Mothers, the Choir, the sacristy team and the altar servers. Please continue to remember Fr Tony in your prayers.

(Every Saturday, we pray for all the deceased priests of the parish at Benediction after morning Mass and adoration.)

News items added on Saturday, May 21, 2011

Funeral of Fr Tony Pyle

The Funeral Mass for Fr Tony Pyle, former parish priest of Blackfen, will take place at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Blacken on Friday 27 May at 12noon.

The Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Peter Smith.

Fr Tony, who was parish Priest at Blackfen from 1983-1997, died on Maundy Thursday, fortified by all the rites of Holy Mother Church. Please remember him in your prayers.

Father Tony is remembered with great affection by many parishioners who knew him during his time here, and so I am very pleased that the Archdiocese has agreed that the most fitting place for his Funeral Mass would be at his old parish of Our Lady of the Rosary.

There will be many clergy attending, the school will be represented, and the Church will be crowded. Please could I ask the various parish groups to be prepared to help on the day.

Rosary and Benediction on Thursday 26 May at 8pm will include special prayers for Fr Tony so that it can be a vigil of prayer for the funeral.

Friday Abstinence

The Bishops have decided to reinstate the traditional practice whereby Catholics abstain from meat on Fridays as a penance, and as a witness to our shared Catholic identity. The law comes into effect on 16 September but you may wish to begin before then.

Feast of the Ascension

The bishops have transferred the feast of the Ascension to Sunday 5 June.

However, there will also be a sung Latin Mass (older form) for the traditional feast of the Ascension this Thursday 2 June at 8pm for those who wish to come. (It is not a holyday of obligation.)

The Church Choir is recruiting

The Church Choir is looking for new members. We have a short practice after the 10.30am Sunday Mass with a cup of tea and at present are practising Mass I, and learning something about the Gregorian notation, before we move on to some more part-singing and the sequence for Pentecost. We also go out for meals from time to time. Please speak to Julia Jones if you are interested, or email.

Don't forget to keep an eye on our Church Choir blog.


News items added on Saturday, May 07, 2011

Crowning of Our Lady

Church 009

Next Sunday, 15 May, after the 9am Mass, we will sing “Bring Flowers of the Rarest”, and children are invited to bring flowers for an outdoor procession ending with the crowning of our statue of Our Lady.

Vocations Sunday next week

Next Sunday is the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. The Church always needs vocations to the priesthood and the religious life.

A priestly or religious vocation is a gift from God to be cherished. Please encourage our fine young people to be open to the possibility that Jesus Christ may call them as he called the apostles “Follow me!”

For information on vocations to the priesthood in Southwark, see the dedicated Southwark Vocations website.

News items added on Sunday, May 01, 2011

Blessed Pope John Paul II pray for us

At a ceremony which began at 10am this morning Italian time (9am GMT) the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI declared that Pope John Paul was henceforth to be called "Blessed" and that his feast day would celebrated each year in certain places on 22 October.

At the Vatican website page dedicated to the beatification, you can download a copy of the Booklet for the celebration and view a slideshow Tribute to Pope John Paul II, as well as follow other useful links. The Holy See Press Office also has a brief Biography of the new Blessed.

Here is the new Collect that will be used in the Sacred Liturgy for the feast of Blessed Pope John Paul II, and at votive offices and Masses:
O God, who are rich in mercy and who willed that the blessed John Paul the Second should preside as Pope over your universal Church, grant, we pray, that instructed by his teaching, we may open our hearts to the saving grace of Christ, the sole Redeemer of mankind. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen.
This prayer may also be used privately to ask for the intercession of Blessed Pope John Paul II.