News items added on Friday, August 12, 2011

High Mass at Aylesford

Fr Finigan will be celebrating a solemn High Mass (older form) at Aylesford on Thursday at 5pm. He will give a talk at 3.30pm on the legal status of Summorum Pontificum.

This event is is for a group from St Lucia but all are welcome to the talk and to the Mass.

Requiem for Terry Quinn RIP

A Requiem Mass will be celebrated for Terry Quinn here on Thursday 18 August at 11am, replacing our usual 10am Mass for that day. Light refreshments will be served in the Small Hall afterwards.

Feast of the Assumption

There will be a sung Latin Mass in the older form at Our Lady of the Rosary this Monday 15 August at 8pm. The Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate will be singing for this occasion.

(The feast of the Assumption is celebrated in the ordinary form on Sunday 14 August this year. 15 August is not a Holyday of Obligation.)

Congratulations to Kelly and Ricky

Congratulations to Richard Butterworth and Kelly thompson who were married today at Our Lady of the Rosary.

Among the bridesmaids were three of Kelly's friends who were with her in the parish Faith Youth Group in the parish for several years during the time that they were at secondary school:

(L-R) Theresa, Nicky, and Lisa