St Catherine's School "Exceptional"
The overall judgement of the inspectors was that the school is "exceptional"; the inspectors noted that the GCSE examination results have been exceptionally high for the past three years. they also singled out for special mention the outstanding care, guidance and support provided by the school for the girls.
The Inspectors also commented that the
"Media Arts specialism serves the students very well and also promotes good links with other local schools and neighbourhood groups."The lead inspector wrote to the students after the inspection and told them "We found your behaviour to be outstanding." He noted that students felt valued and safe, and that they displayed high levels of aspiration and motivation.
The school is justly proud of its track record of improving rates of success. St Catherine's was judged to be outstanding for the standards reached by learners, and outstanding for how well those with learning difficulties make progress. The Headteacher, Patricia Slonecki, said:
"These outcomes were very gratifying and demonstrate how successfully the teaching and support staff work collaboratively with the girls and their parents to support the achievement of every student."Here is a link to the OFSTED Inspection Report
Here is a link to the school prospectus.
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