News items added on Sunday, November 30, 2008

Congratulations to Maureen McAuliffe

Warmest congratulations to Maureen on the occasion of her 80th birthday this Friday 5th December. Here is a photo of Maureen and her family.


News items added on Saturday, November 29, 2008

Traditional Children’s Mass

Last year at Lourdes, one of our Masses was a traditional (Latin) Low Mass with hymns, especially geared for children. Parents have requested a similar Mass occasionally in the parish. On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Monday 8 December, at 4.30pm, Fr Charles Briggs will come to say Mass and Fr Finigan will help the children to participate prayerfully at the Mass. All are welcome, including children of all ages.

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Bishop Patrick Lynch will be coming to celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation next year on Thursday 26 February at 7.30pm Mass.

Young people in Year 8 or above are invited to join the Confirmation programme. Please take a form from the back of the Church and return it as soon as possible before the meeting for candidates and parents on Tuesday 16 December at 8pm in the Church.

It is very important that those preparing for the sacraments should be coming regularly every week to Mass.


First Holy Communion

If your child is in Year 3 and you would like them to make their first Holy Communion in May 2009, please collect a form from the back of the Church. Please return the form as soon as possible before the parents’ meeting on Monday 15 December at 8pm in the Church.

It is very important that those preparing for the sacraments should be coming regularly every week to Mass.


Parish “Google Group”

I have started a “Google Group” for the parish so that people can discuss matters of interest. Go to the Group Homepage or email me and I will send you an invitation to join.

The group is open to those who live in the parish or who come to Mass here.

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Christmas Services

There is a special page with times of services for Christmas and the New Year.

Please note that there is no early evening Mass on Christmas Eve. Our first Mass for Christmas is the Midnight Mass. The Church will be open from 11pm. Carols before Midnight Mass begin at 11.20pm.

May Jesus Christ,
the Son of God
who became man
for our salvation,
bless you
and your families
during this Holy Season.

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News items added on Saturday, November 15, 2008

Family Evening at Chislehurst

There will be a Family Evening at Chislehurst on Friday 28th November. After the 7.30pm Mass at St Mary’s, Chislehurst (Crown Lane, BR7 5PL) we will meet together in the parish room for a talk by Josephine and Adrian Treloar on “Miracles and Lourdes: a medical view.”

The talk will be suitable for all from parents down to the little ones. The very little ones are fully welcome to just be there anyway. Most importantly we will met up with other families and share our faith and friendship. All are invited.
(The 7.30pm Mass at Chislehurst is the Traditional Latin Mass. Many will like this and some will be quite happy, but if you prefer not to come to the Mass that’s fine; just come along at 8pm.)

You can see one of the cases that we will be presented at The Faith, The Family, The Future website. (Click on the “publications” button.)

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School Bazaar

Our Lady of the Rosary School is having a Christmas Bazaar on Saturday 29 November from 1-5pm. Please come along and support the school.

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