News items added on Saturday, March 10, 2012
News items added on Friday, August 12, 2011
Requiem for Terry Quinn RIP
A Requiem Mass will be celebrated for Terry Quinn here on Thursday 18 August at 11am, replacing our usual 10am Mass for that day. Light refreshments will be served in the Small Hall afterwards.
Feast of the Assumption
There will be a sung Latin Mass in the older form at Our Lady of the Rosary this Monday 15 August at 8pm. The Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate will be singing for this occasion.
(The feast of the Assumption is celebrated in the ordinary form on Sunday 14 August this year. 15 August is not a Holyday of Obligation.)
(The feast of the Assumption is celebrated in the ordinary form on Sunday 14 August this year. 15 August is not a Holyday of Obligation.)
Congratulations to Kelly and Ricky
Congratulations to Richard Butterworth and Kelly thompson who were married today at Our Lady of the Rosary.
Among the bridesmaids were three of Kelly's friends who were with her in the parish Faith Youth Group in the parish for several years during the time that they were at secondary school:
(L-R) Theresa, Nicky, and Lisa
News items added on Sunday, July 31, 2011
Parish Music Evening

All children and young people who play a musical instrument are invited, together with their parents, to an informal evening of music and song in the Large Hall at 7.30pm. We will say the Rosary in the Church beforehand at 7pm. Please email Sue Ferguson if you would like to play.
The evening is also open to anyone in the parish who enjoys a sing-song.
Feast of the Transfiguration
This year, the feast of the Transfiguration falls on the first Saturday of August (6th) and therefore our visiting schola will be here to sing for a solemn Missa Cantata in the Traditional Roman Rite. After Mass and Benediction, the Large Hall will be open for refreshments and we will have solemn sung Vespers at 2.30pm. As usual, there will be a priest available from 11am to hear Confessions during Mass and Benediction.
News items added on Saturday, July 23, 2011
News items added on Saturday, July 09, 2011
News items added on Monday, July 04, 2011
New translation of the Mass
Beginning with the first weekend in September, we will be using a new translation of the prayers at the celebration of Mass in English. If you would like to find out more about this translation, and receive a copy of the new responses for the people, Fr Finigan will be giving a talk on Monday 18 July at 7.30pm in the Small Hall.
There is also further information at the website of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, at the Roman Missal section.
Ordination of Rev Jonathan Routh
Jonathan Routh, a student for the Archdiocese of Southwark, will be ordained to the Sacred Priesthood at Our Lady, Help of Christians in Folkestone next Saturday. Please remember him in your prayers, together with our other students who are preparing for ordination.
Times for confession
Currently, Confessions are heard after the 10.30am Mass on Saturday morning and from 5 to 5.30pm on Saturday evening. (I am also happy to hear confessions after the weekday morning Masses or any other reasonable time on request.)
I am considering changing the times for confessions. Few people come at 5pm on Saturday and I would like to suggest cancelling this time and having confessions on Thursday evening after Benediction instead (similar to the arrangement in Lent when confessions are available after Friday Stations.)
This change would also make it slightly easier for me to attend apostolic events arranged by lay people on Saturdays by obviating the need to enlist a supply priest for confessions in the afternoon.
The Saturday morning time for confessions would remain as it is.
If you have any views on this proposed change, please let me know either personally or in writing.
I am considering changing the times for confessions. Few people come at 5pm on Saturday and I would like to suggest cancelling this time and having confessions on Thursday evening after Benediction instead (similar to the arrangement in Lent when confessions are available after Friday Stations.)
This change would also make it slightly easier for me to attend apostolic events arranged by lay people on Saturdays by obviating the need to enlist a supply priest for confessions in the afternoon.
The Saturday morning time for confessions would remain as it is.
If you have any views on this proposed change, please let me know either personally or in writing.
News items added on Saturday, June 25, 2011
St Peter and St Paul: Holyday this Wednesday
The Feast of St Peter and St Paul is this Wednesday 29 June. On this day, we are bound to go to Mass. Masses in the parish are at 9.30am, 4.15pm and 8pm (Sung Latin.) The 4.15pm Mass is specially arranged for parents and children (though children are welcome at all Masses in the parish.)
We pray especially for Pope Benedict XVI, that the prayers of St Peter will assist him to lead and govern the Church according to the mind of Christ.
There will be a collection for Peter’s Pence at all Masses on Wednesday.
Men’s Evening of Recollection
This Friday 1 July 7.30pm there will be an Evening of Recollection for the men of the parish. There will be a spiritual talk, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Rosary, Confessions and Benediction; followed by gathering in the Parish Social Club. All men of the parish are welcome.
Family Pilgrimage Day
On Saturday 16 July, there will be a Parish outing to join the Family Pilgrimage Day at Aylesford. A coach will leave the Church at 10am. The cost for the coach will be £2.50 per person or £5 per family. There are information leaflets available at the back of the Church.
There are many activities for children but everyone in the parish welcome to come. Please put your name down if you want a place on the coach.
Missa Cantata This Saturday
This Saturday 2 July, our visiting schola will be here on Saturday for our solemn Missa Cantata in the Traditional Roman Rite at 10.30am The texts of the Mass will be sung in Gregorian chant according to the Roman Gradual.
Mass will be followed by a short service of Benediction and the Marian anthem. There will be a priest available from 11am to hear Confessions during Mass and Benediction.
Mass will be followed by a short service of Benediction and the Marian anthem. There will be a priest available from 11am to hear Confessions during Mass and Benediction.
Pro-Life Coffee Morning
The SPUC group will hold a coffee morning after 10.30am Mass on Saturday 9 July. We will have our usual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and confessions so you can combine a social morning with a visit to the Blessed Sacrament and contribute to the protection of human life all in one morning!
At the coffee morning, there will be a raffle. Tickets will be sold after Masses next week and gifts for the raffle would be welcome. Volunteers are also invited both to sell raffle tickets and to help at the coffee morning. Please contact Linda (details are on the poster on the notice board.)
At the coffee morning, there will be a raffle. Tickets will be sold after Masses next week and gifts for the raffle would be welcome. Volunteers are also invited both to sell raffle tickets and to help at the coffee morning. Please contact Linda (details are on the poster on the notice board.)