News items added on Monday, July 12, 2010

August newsletter deadline

The Newsletter for 1 August will be a special edition for the whole of August. Any notices for the Newsletter should be emailed or posted through the presbytery letterbox (marked “Newsletter”) by Thursday 29 July at the latest.

Don't forget to include any notices for events in September.


News items added on Sunday, July 11, 2010

Cyclists well along the path to Rome

Friday's update on the Via Romea blog has the young cyclists from Blackfen reaching Chalons en Champagne on Friday afternoon, and intending to make some more ground in the evening. I heard from their Dad today that they had reached Chaumont. This is not bad going at all.

The family had visual updates, tear-off slips for the web address to donate, and cakes for the children after Mass this morning. (The cakes are a good idea - makes people stop around and look at the display.)

If you haven't already donated (Mary's Meals & Cardinal Winning Pro-Life Initiative), call on over to the Fundraising page.

Updates at the Via Romea blog, and you can write on the wall at the Facebook Group.


News items added on Saturday, July 10, 2010

Papal Visit suggestions 4 - Catholic teaching on the papacy

The second Vatican Council summarised the Church's teaching on the papacy in the Constitution on the Church "Lumen Gentium", especially n.22-25

Carefully reading this section, or the Catechism of the Catholic Church 871-896 can increase our own knowledge and help us to respond to misunderstanding of the faith.


Evening of Recollection

On Friday 23 July, starting at 7.30pm, there will be an evening of recollection for young people with a spiritual talk, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, confessions, Benediction and a gathering in the Small Hall afterwards with pizza.

The evening is open to young people of secondary school age, sixth formers and young adults.

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News items added on Sunday, July 04, 2010

Papal Visit suggestions 3 - Novena to the Sacred Heart

The official resources booklet for the visit of Pope Benedict reminds us that John Henry Cardinal Newman, who is to be beatified during the visit, had great devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. One way to prepare for the visit would be to make a novena (nine days of prayer) in preparation, praying for yourself, for others, and especially for Pope Benedict.

At the back of the Church, there are copies of a Novena Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. For other resources see the website for The Papal Visit.
