This is the text from the newsletter for this Sunday with some further links:
We have received mercy, O Lord in the heart of your temple (Introit: Ps 47.10)
In his
Apostolic Letter promoting devotion to the Precious Blood, Bl Pope John XXIII said:
“The world can still set itself right and always will be able to, because the voice and Blood of Christ cry out for pity and mercy... Devotion to the Precious Blood is the devotion of our time...It is devotion for all souls, for the whole world.”
The month of July is traditionally dedicated to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. His blood, part of his Sacred Humanity, united hypostatically to his Divine Nature, was shed to cleanse the whole world of sin. St Paul said that Christ made peace by the blood of the cross and that we are the flock which he won at the price of his blood.
The High Priest of the Old Testament sprinkled the blood of the lamb in the holy of holies on the feast of Atonement. At Christ’s death, the veil of the temple was torn apart because now his blood takes away the sins of the world.
We show devotion to the Precious Blood whenever, like St Francis of Assisi, we embrace the cross as the instrument of our salvation, from which our Lord’s atoning blood poured to the ground. This devotion makes us truly sorry for our sins and gives us the grace to practice the Christian virtues.
The greatest participation in the blood of Christ is at Holy Communion when we receive our Lord’s body and blood, together with His soul and divinity.
Some linksBlessed Pope John XXIII
Apostolic Letter Inde a Primis On promoting Devotion to the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Precious Blood InternationalLitany of the Most Precious Blood (approved by Bl Pope John XXIII)
Chaplet of the Precious Blood (and other prayers)
Precious Blood article in the Catholic Encyclopaedia with some historical and theological information.
Labels: Devotions