News items added on Saturday, May 12, 2007

New group for young people

Our Lady Youth - for those in Year 8 and 9. Meeting from 6.15pm—7.45pm in the Large Hall each Friday starting on the 8th June 2007—initially for six weeks. After that the there will be a review and the young people’s ideas will be taken into account.

The evenings will consist of a meet and greet beginning, a structured talk or activity and then some down time towards the end of the session (with food.) Speakers to include the Fire Service, the Red Cross, Father Kevin, and Catherine Williams. There will also be a evening with a beautician attending (mainly for the girls) and for the boys a cycle maintenance evening.

We hope to round off the six weeks with a Barbecue. There will also be opportunity for the young people to have an input into what they would like to do


Union of Catholic Mothers events

Coffee Morning - Tuesday 15 May
Join us in the Small Hall for coffee and cake after 10am Mass.

Barbecue - Tuesday 22 May
An opportunity to meet other women of the parish and to find out how the UCM supports the parish. Not all members are married, or have children, or are retired. Come and join us for a chat and a burger or two!

Aylesford Pilgrimage - Tuesday 29 May
Coach places are still available, coach fare £7.00. Coach departs at 10.00 from the church car park returning at 4.30pm. Bring your own packed lunch. See Hilda ASAP for tickets.

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Novena to the Holy Spirit

The parish will have a Novena to the Holy Spirit. Every evening from Friday 18 to Saturday 26 May, commencing at 7.30pm,* we will have the Rosary, Scripture reading, hymns and prayers. Come and join us in praying for the Holy Spirit to be poured out upon the Church.

Come Holy Spirit,
fill the hearts of your faithful.

* On Thursday 24th, the Novena will be incorporated into our 8pm Adoration and Benediction

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