News items added on Sunday, November 18, 2007

School Christmas Bazaar

Last Saturday, Our Lady of the Rosary School held its Christmas Bazaar. When Mac McLernon put some photos on her blog Mulier Fortis. An American reader commented
"If that's what british Moms look like, why did we have a revolution?"
Here are some of the photos. (I have enhanced some of them a little with Paint Shop Pro and given the cake a new background.)

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Dates for December

Parish Carol Service, Sunday 16 December 3pm
The Choir are preparing an inspiring programme with plenty of favourite carols for everyone to join in.

At this service, held in co-operation with Ashdown Funerals, we will also remember all the faithful departed and especially those who have died during the past year.

Children’s Crib Service, Sunday 23 December 3pm
All children are welcome to come, dressed simply as shepherds, angels or kings.
Please note that we do not have a “vigil Mass” for Christmas Day. Our first Mass for Christmas is the midnight Mass.

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Confirmation programme

The Confirmation programme will begin after Christmas. This programme is open to young people in Year 8 of school. There are programmes and application forms available at the back of the Church. Please return these as soon as possible and certainly before Christmas.

The initial meeting is for candidates and their parents and will be in the Church at 8pm on Friday 18 January.

Young people who wish to be confirmed should be coming to Mass regularly every week.


First Communion programme

The first Holy Communion programme will begin after Christmas. This programme is open to children in Year 3 of school. There are forms available at the back of the Church. Please return these as soon as possible and certainly before Christmas.

The initial meeting is for parents and will be in the Church at 8pm on Friday 11 January.

Families who wish their children to receive their first Holy Communion should be coming to Mass regularly every week.


Holy Souls box

Just a reminder about the Holy Soul box at the back of the Church. The money collected in this box is sent away to priests as stipends for Masses to be said for the Holy Souls. Although we particularly remember the Holy Souls during November, we should not forget them during the rest of the year.

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