News items added on Friday, July 27, 2007

Prayers for the dying

The Downloads Page has been updated to include a leaflet produced by the Guild of Catholic Doctors. It includes prayers for the dying and prayers to be said immediately after someone has died.

The prayers should be led by the priest if he is present - he would also give the sacrament of anointing, viaticum, and the apostolic blessing with the plenary indulgence. However, the prayers in this leaflet can be very helpful for the family and for the dying person to repeat again after the priest has gone, or if a priest cannot be had.

If a person is involved in an accident or has suddenly fallen into a life-threatening condition in hospital, and a priest is needed ugently, it is usually best to ask the staff to call the Catholic priest on duty. There is usually a "bleep" or "pager" system.

However, if a person is ill for some time, do not put off calling the priest: as soon as a person begins to be in danger of death, it is the right time to call the priest so that the person can make a good Confession, receive the Sacrament of Anointing and Holy Communion, and receive the Apostolic Blessing and plenary indulgence.

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News items added on Friday, July 20, 2007

Garden Party for Sunshine International

It was rather worrying this morning when the sky turned a very murky grey and we had a thunderstorm. Thanks be to God, the weather was lovely between 3pm and 5pm for the Garden Party for the Sunshine International Project was a great success. Many thanks to Shiela and Pat for their kind hospitality and to all those who helped. Here are some photos:

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News items added on Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Your generosity

Over the past five weekends, in addition to the offertory collections to keep the parish going, you have given:
  • £434.29 for the Day for Life to support Life and the Linacre Centre
  • £362.68 for Peter's Pence to support the charitable work of the Holy Father
  • £216.97 for the Bexley Centre for the Unemployed
  • £724.92 for the Little Sisters of the Poor
  • £969.97 for the presentation to Deacon Braz Menezes on his silver jubilee
  • £405.22 for the Apostleship of the Sea
Many thanks for your unflagging generosity.


Latin Mass 29 July

Our next Sunday Latin Mass will be at 10.30am on Sunday 29 July.

Mass is celebrated in Latin every Saturday morning at 10.30am in the Traditional Roman Rite.

See the Our Masses page for information about the different Masses celebrated in the parish.

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Summer Newsletter

On 29 July, we will publish an edition of the parish newsletter to cover the whole of the summer holiday. The next regular newsletter after that will be on Sunday 2 September.

If you have any notices for the summer newsletter, including those relating to events in early September, please send them in writing by Wednesday 25 July. The parish email address is
