OLR School Football Team
Mr Murphy, Headteacher of Our Lady of the Rosary School sends this great news:
Just before the Easter holidays the football team at Our Lady of the Rosary school were joint winners [one-all after extra time] of the "Kevin McCarthy" Cup which is the main cup competition for Bexley Schools.Congratulations to our young footballers!
Earlier in the season the team had won a competition organised by Charlton Athletic Football Club for Bexley and Greenwich primary schools. As winners of this competition we represented Charlton in the London finals, competing against teams representing the other Premiership Clubs.
Our Lady of the Rosary came second in this phase of the competition and will be now representing London in the National Finals to be played at Old Trafford on Friday 25th May. Charlton are arranging and paying for the transport to Manchester and an overnight stay in a hotel.