News items added on Wednesday, April 25, 2007

OLR School Football Team

Mr Murphy, Headteacher of Our Lady of the Rosary School sends this great news:
Just before the Easter holidays the football team at Our Lady of the Rosary school were joint winners [one-all after extra time] of the "Kevin McCarthy" Cup which is the main cup competition for Bexley Schools.

Earlier in the season the team had won a competition organised by Charlton Athletic Football Club for Bexley and Greenwich primary schools. As winners of this competition we represented Charlton in the London finals, competing against teams representing the other Premiership Clubs.

Our Lady of the Rosary came second in this phase of the competition and will be now representing London in the National Finals to be played at Old Trafford on Friday 25th May. Charlton are arranging and paying for the transport to Manchester and an overnight stay in a hotel.
Congratulations to our young footballers!

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News items added on Saturday, April 21, 2007

First Holy Communions

The parish first Holy Communion Masses will take place on the first three Saturdays in May: 5 May, 12 May and 19 May.

On those days, we are not able to have our usual confessions and adoration on Saturday morning.

All are welcome to the Masses. Please be seated in the Church by 10.15am.

Many thanks indeed to our team of catechists who have worked so hard to prepare the children for this very special day. Please remember the children and their families in your prayers.

If for any reason, your child has missed out on preparing for their first Holy Communion, do contact Fr Finigan, the parish priest. For children who are currently in Year 3 it is usually best to wait and join next year's parish programme. For older children, Ít is possible to arrange for children to receive some instruction appropriate to their age and then make their first Confession and first Holy Communion during the summer. In all cases, the children should be coming regularly to Mass every Sunday with their family. (Information about all our sacramental programmes is given out well in advance over several weeks in the parish newsletter and verbal notices at Mass.)

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NACF Family Day 28 April

There will be a Family Day in the parish on Saturday 28 April from 1.30pm to 5pm
A day for families to get together. Please bring a picnic lunch. There will be Catholic talks for varied age groups, Rosary, Confession, games and entertainments, and Shared supper (bring something to share.)

The day is organised by local members of the National Association of Catholic Families.

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